Well….That was fast. The weather here finally decided to resemble something reasonably seasonal about two weeks into December before popping back into 70ish range. The holiday season has been a blast regardless , probably more so than usual just because up against a backdrop of a world moving from one petulant tantrum to another the push-back is mostly about enjoying the season and just saying no to all the negativity, anhedoniacs and other assorted varieties of grumpenthropes…seems to be working.
A few months back I’d started to reconsider the long held desire to have the live rig and the recording rig be the same rig. Overcoming the technical hurdles for that becoming a viable reality for gigging musicians creates a whole range of opportunities for making music without needing a semi to haul your gear around. The problem is having a command central that is flexible enough to adapt and cover all that ground via a workflow that most musicians will be familiar with. There are good solutions that cover bits and pieces – like Mainstage and GigPerformer , but they require juggling and trading one asset and workflow for another, not to mention having to reprogram things like complicated synth multis every time you move between them – and that takes a lot of time. I’d been watching the revs and updates for Presonus Studio One with interest for a good long while. They’ve been upping their game and advancing the feature set at rapid pace year after year. This last 6.5 update added Dolby Atmos integration and updated many of the native plugins for multichannel work in the Atmos workflow. It’s an absolute beast of a DAW, so if any of this sounds familiar to you and you’ve already been through all those other gyrations it may be time to check out Studio One. The view from here is that she’s the one. We’ll be talking about features and progress as we go.
The other thing of course is the Youtube channel for DailyTracks . That is one can that keeps getting kicked down the road in lieu of one thing or another. I’m not one for resolutions but this is after all a brand new year and so of course the optimism that goes with is notably present and in accordance with mentions that came before. Give us a cadence…